Saturday, December 19, 2009

3rd Day of Training

It snowed at least 15 inches between last night, and today, and it's still snowing sideways. I didn't work out today, but at least I ate all the fruit I planned to eat. Part of this training involves running, and part of it involves other areas of life i.e., what to eat, what time to go to bed. Unfortunately, as I have a hard time going to bed, I can't really put that into my lifestyle change for running, and expect it to happen. Eating more fruit I can do, get myself to sleep, no. I make a banana smoothie with dates, and soy milk in a food processor. The recipe is from How it All Vegan. It's really a great smoothie with a nice sweet flavor. Also, I put a lot of fruit into a juicer, and that works wonders. I may not get the good pulp with the fiber, but at least I ingest a lot of the fruit anyway.

I almost put on my work out clothes, and walked the 30 feet to the work out area on my apartment complex. However, the sidewalks that were shoveled this morning are covered in snow, and I don't want to get lost in a snowdrift walking down the stairs. I'll be tenacious tomorrow.

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