Sunday, February 28, 2010

One mile in February

It was cold, there was snow, I had a new knitting project . . . pick any of these and you'll see the excuses I've used to not run this month. However, I ran this morning! I ran a mile so that I can say I did run this month :) Hey, it's better than nothing, and it's a nice beginning to the rest of the running year.

I decided that I won't run the Cherry Blossom run. I asked my co-worker if she will need the transfer. She has friends in the race. I don't have anyone to cheer me on, or who is near enough to meet me there. There are a few negatives that I tend to discredit when I sign up for it

1. I have to walk to the metro at 5am
2. I have to train outside, and I'm not comfortable with that
3. I don't have anyone to cheer me on.

I don't want to get a cab at 5am unless I'm going to the airport. Training outside . . . at this time, is boring for me. I've run 5ks where no one was there for me or cared what I did, and they were very lonely experiences.

If only I remember these things before I sign up. I'll give myself a hiatus next year. I won't allow myself to sign up for a run unless I

1. Have a car to ride to the metro
2. Have someone who will be at the race to run with me or cheer me on

That's a good plan.